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Scientific Log


The guardians of the house.

They watch with one tireless eye, which only senses movement; It remembers the last creature it noticed whether they are moving or not.

Hunting Habits

Nutcrackers are protective of their territory, they guard it with a double barrel shotgun. They have three states, roaming, patrol, and aggravated. They seem to only see movement, so standing still while in the presence of one in it's patrol state is a good idea. While standing still when it's in a patrol state will save you, standing still while they are aggravated will not help you, as they have a memory and will still shoot at you, and if you're standing still, it will most likely kill you. You should still watch out while it's in it's roaming state however as it has a powerful kick that is enough to put an employee out for good.

Mechanics and Important Data

General Information

  • Nutcrackers have a view of 60 meters (196.85 feet) and a field of view of 70, meaning they can see you from a fairly large distance.
  • If you aggravate a Nutcracker and then find a place to hide, once it loses sight of you it will continue in its aggressive state for 12 seconds and then it will patrol after its aggressive state ends.


A Nutcracker in patrol mode, also known as scanning mode, will turn every 1-4 seconds and will turn 45-90 degrees. It will do this until it makes a full 360 or makes 8 turns. On the 8th turn the Nutcracker will stop scanning, which takes 1-4 seconds, even if it didn't make a full 360. Overall scanning lasts an approximate average of 12.5 seconds.


Normally it takes a Nutcracker 1.75 seconds to shoot its first shot, then 1.3 seconds to shoot its second. At 1 hp it becomes enraged, making it shoot in 0.5 seconds opposed to its normal time. If you enrage a Nutcracker while it is shooting it will still take 1.75 or 1.3 seconds respectively and the next shot will be 0.5 seconds. There are no other changes while a Nutcracker is enraged.