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Scientific Log

There is debate on the genus to which the Bracken belongs. It is a bipedal vertebrate with skin the color and texture of a red beat. The name was coined for what appear to be leaves protruding from its upper spine. The purpose of these is believed to be for intimidation, however not much is known about the specifics of bracken behaviour due to its illusiveness and low population.  We know a little from accounts by wildlife experts who have encountered it. is a lone hunter with high intelligence. Its behavior can seem aloof; it exhibits high aggression even when unprovoked, yet it quickly backs off when confronted. However, brackens are known to up their hostility when cornered or simply watched for a long time. For this reason it's recommended to keep an eye on it but not to stare it down. No specimens have been collected dead or alive. It's theorized that upon death their bodies undergo a rapid decomposition process which is unique from other large animals.

Hunting Habits

The Bracken tends to try and hide and ambush prey, eventually snapping their necks and bringing their bodies to its favorite room. Their favorite room tends to be deep in the facility, making it harder to retrieve those that have been taken by the Bracken, without the use of a teleporter. Bracken doesn't like being looked at, so if you look at it for a short amount of time it will retreat. If you end up looking for too long though, it will get angry and run at you making a loud growling noise.

Mechanics and Important Data